regenerative planting

Coppicing Hazel for Landscape Use

When we talk of coppicing, we think of traditional woodland management, with acres of an evenly aged monoculture of coppice stools. These would be cut in cyclical coupes, typically on a seven to twenty year rotation, dependant upon species and intended use. There is, however, another way to use the method of coppicing (cutting a

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Adaptive and Regenerative Landscapes

What is an adaptive landscape, how is it different from other forms of landscape? Is a regenerative landscape also different? Simply put, they are landscapes, either natural, man-made or modified, that demonstrate an ability to adapt, survive and thrive under current and future conditions. Adaptive and regenerative are both expressions of this statement, with some

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Creating Garden Ecosystems

When we think of green space in a city, we think of trees, parks and gardens. Seldom do we think of these areas as self-sustaining ecosystems, yet they can and should be. Approaching landscape in this way brings multiple benefits but requires a subtle shift in thinking and a new way of understanding plant communities.

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